Genovesa Island With a perfectly cloudy sky that would turn into amazingly blue in the afternoon, we arrived to Genovesa Island, in the northern part of the Galapagos, somehow north of the Equator, more or less right in the center of the world. To the surprise of everybody, all creatures in the island were in love. And it showed everywhere. Most red-footed boobies were collecting nesting material for their homes, sweet homes, and many of our swallow-tailed gulls were about their nests, caring and treating their chicks accordingly. For the great frigate birds, the time to date was in full bloom, and we saw the males exposing their gular pouches completely inflated and inflamed with the color of love. The same color is clearly seen in a fleshy ring around the eyes of the female great frigate bird, as they look at the male's red balloons. The one in the picture even gave us a wink!
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